eileen correia • licensed massage therapist • serving Ct. • 860 919 4904
ALMA | mind+body+massage

We all work hard. We need to allow ourselves time to heal, breathe, relax and enjoy life! It's vital to our well-being!
Therapeutic massage is an essential component to maintaining well-being, and offers many benefits that address the body's needs. Eliminate pain patterns from muscle spasms and overuse. Reduce your stress levels so you can relax and get a good night's sleep.
The benefits include improved range of motion, increased circulation, decreased blood pressure, and of course, relaxation and rejuvenation. It's a mind • body • spirit experience.
Make therapeutic massage part of your lifestyle, so you may enjoy emotional balance as well as physical well-being.
If you listen to your body when it whispers, you will never have to hear it scream.